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Desert meets the mark for Wyvern and ARGUS Platinum
With Desert Jet's strong commitment to safety it maintains a safety trifecta, which includes IS-BAO Stage III registration, in addition to its ARGUS Platinum rating and Wyvern Wingman certification.
Desert Jet is a stickler for safety.

Desert Jet, based in Greater Palm Springs, California, has achieved re-certification of its Wyvern Wingman Operator status and ARGUS Platinum rating.

The Platinum rating is the highest level of the ARGUS audit standard and is awarded only to those air charter operators who have demonstrated successful implementation of industry best safety practices relative to their operations and maintenance. By achieving the ARGUS Platinum rating, Desert Jet is placed in the upper five per cent of over 1,000 US-based charter operators.

The Wyvern Wingman audit is considered one of the most challenging standards to adhere to and one of the most reputable and recognised in the industry. Wingman certified operators undergo a difficult process in which their safety management system, flight operations and maintenance operations are scrutinised.

“Safety is of the utmost importance to us at Desert Jet and remains our top priority,” says Jared Fox, Desert Jet CEO. “At a time when safety has never been more important or emphasised, the successful completion of both the Wyvern and ARGUS audits demonstrate our ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest safety standards at all times.”

With Desert Jet's strong commitment to safety and the development of its safety management system (SMS), the company maintains a safety trifecta, which includes IS-BAO (International Standard for Aircraft Operations) Stage III registration, in addition to its ARGUS Platinum rating and Wyvern Wingman certification. Less than one per cent of all charter operators in the US have earned all three safety designations concurrently.

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