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CAE Inc.

Jaunt Air Mobility LLC

Jaunt Journey

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CAE joins eVTOL developer on its Journey
Jaunt Aircraft Systems aims to de-risk production and accelerate time-to-market and mass commercialisation of its Journey aircraft by harnessing CAE simulation at a very early stage in development.
The Jaunt Journey combines the performance of a fixed-wing aircraft with the vertical take-off and landing efficiency of a helicopter.

CAE has been selected by Jaunt Air Mobility to lead the design and development of the Jaunt Aircraft Systems Integration Lab for the the company's new all-electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft, the Journey. Leveraging its more than 70 years of experience in high-fidelity simulation, CAE will work with Jaunt to bring simulation and modelling to the aircraft development programme from inception.

Certification plans for the Jaunt Journey are set to begin in 2023 and culminate in 2026 with entry-in-service expected in early 2027. As part of the agreement, CAE and Jaunt Air Mobility intend to build an engineering simulator which will accelerate cockpit design and system development, and will reduce the airworthiness flight test time. The programme is designed to derisk the aircraft programme's schedule and manage development costs by identifying integration issues and proving failure modes early in the programme.

"We are excited to partner in the development of this revolutionary new aircraft, and to add to our commitment and support of the advanced air mobility industry," says Nick Leontidis, CAE's group president, civil aviation training solutions. "As a high-technology solutions company at the leading edge of digital immersion, CAE is uniquely qualified to provide engineering and certification support solutions to help innovative companies such as Jaunt Air Mobility certify their aircraft. Jaunt shares our passion for enabling the next generation of electric aviation, and together we look forward to advancing this new industry."

"CAE is a natural partner for Jaunt as both companies' core values are to combine the latest technologies with proven performance to ensure aviation safety in their fields," says Martin Peryea, CEO of Jaunt Air Mobility. "By partnering together, we will benefit from CAE's years of industry expertise and leadership in aircraft simulation to de-risk production and accelerate time-to-market and mass commercialisation of the Journey aircraft."

The Journey aircraft is designed to deliver safe, efficient, and reliable performance while reducing carbon emissions. The Jaunt Journey combines the performance of a fixed-wing aircraft with the vertical take-off and landing efficiency of a helicopter to meet the growing demands for faster travel times over urban and regional areas.

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