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Beacon signs up with MRT to facilitate global growth
MRT's strategy is to run all maintenance cases through Beacon, replacing the use of informal communication channels with one compliance-ready channel, facilitating an agile flow of information and an easier handoff.

Beacon, a maintenance platform from EmbraerX, has signed an agreement with The Mobile Repair Team (MRT), an executive and commercial structural repair team with bases in Europe and North America. The partnership is focused on onboarding MRT's maintenance teams into Beacon's multi-sided platform to improve coordination among stakeholders, including its mobile teams and operators. By joining Beacon, MRT will gain efficiency throughout its repair process and respond faster to maintenance requests from operators.

The Mobile Repair Team offers worldwide structural repair support for fleets of aircraft. Striving to provide superior customer service while helping its customers reduce significant costs, MRT is joining Beacon's platform to empower its mobile teams to achieve a faster return-to-service as it continues to grow its customer base across the globe.

MRT's strategy is to run all maintenance cases through Beacon, replacing the use of informal communication channels with one single, compliance-ready channel, thus facilitating an agile flow of information and an easier handoff during shift turnovers. Moreover, MRT will significantly reduce the time spent coordinating with technicians and other stakeholders during maintenance cases by focusing mostly on high-frequency events, which represent about 70 per cent of the total number of interruptions.

“We are delighted to be partnering with Beacon and the global EmbraerX initiative,” states MRT director Chris Creutz. “MRT sits at the forefront of a very dynamic and demanding market segment, and for this reason, the full experience, the detailed transparency at every step of the process and its full integration are a game-changer for the MRT solution. Beacon is a market-disrupting solution that will bring great effectiveness to the MRT portfolio of return-to-service options. Our evaluation process has paved the way for a very powerful impact on the market, and we very much look forward to further exploring Beacon with our other group companies as well.”

Head of Beacon Marco Cesarino adds: “We are thrilled to welcome MRT to our platform and support it in getting ahead of the game. Our mission is to help MRT gain a competitive advantage in our ultra-demanding service industry. With Beacon, all stakeholders working on interruptions are getting back time and energy that today is wasted due to inefficient coordination and old technologies. The benefits of using Beacon are not only about better performance and faster return-to-service times but also customer satisfaction and profitability.”

With this agreement, Beacon is bringing more players in the ecosystem into its platform so they can collaborate better and smarter while accelerating return-to-service. Beacon is continuing to serve all types of aircraft and leveraging the benefits of technology as a means to cut through complexity and facilitate collaboration in an industry that is ripe for digital transformation.

Developed by EmbraerX, Embraer's market accelerator for disruptive businesses, Beacon is a platform that connects operators, maintenance services and mechanics in a more agile, collaborative and efficient way, ensuring the rapid return of aircraft to service.

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