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Bell, a Textron Company

Bell 505 Jet Ranger X

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Nebraska adds Bell 505 to police fleet
With the addition of the Bell 505, the Nebraska State Patrol's aviation support division will operate a Bell 407 helicopter, three Cessna T206H Turbo Stationair fixed wing aircraft and a Piper Super Cub.
With a speed of 232 km/h and load of 680 kg the Bell 505 is its newest five seat aircraft designed for safety, efficiency and reliability using advanced avionics technology.

The Nebraska State Patrol has signed a purchase agreement for a Bell 505. It will join a Bell 407 to aid in daily public safety missions including search and rescue, surveillance, photography, criminal pursuits and apprehension, as well as natural disaster response.

“Operating Bell aircraft has been critical to our aviation support division's operations in order to protect and serve the citizens of the State of Nebraska, and the Bell 505 will allow us to cost effectively evolve our mission capability,” comments Sergeant Brian Petersen, Nebraska State Patrol's aviation division commander. “Bell has provided industry leading aircraft and support over the last 30 years, and we look forward to extending our long standing relationship.”

“As we approach the third anniversary of the first delivery of the public safety configured Bell 505, our customer interest from global municipalities continues to grow,” says Jay Ortiz, vice president, commercial business, the Americas. “The Bell 505 delivers best in class capabilities and cost of operations to complete the important mission of law enforcement agencies' daily aerial operations.”

The Nebraska State Patrol began its aviation support division in 1970 with a Bell 206B Jet Ranger. In 1979, the Patrol purchased a Bell 206BIII Jet Ranger and the following year acquired three Cessna 182RGs. Over a period of nearly 30 years these aircraft flew a combined 40,000 flight hours serving the citizens of Nebraska.

The aviation support division will operate a Bell 505, a Bell 407 helicopter, three Cessna T206H Turbo Stationair fixed wing aircraft and a Piper Super Cub.

With a speed of 232 km/h and load of 680 kg the Bell 505 is its newest five seat aircraft designed for safety, efficiency and reliability using advanced avionics technology.

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