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JetAviva joins ranks of IADA
JetAviva is the latest company to become a member of the International Aircraft Dealers Association. The moves caps a year that saw the company achieve record transactions and its highest ever annual revenue.
Recently sold by jetAVIVA.

Melbourne, Florida-headquartered turbine aircraft sales and acquisitions company JetAviva is the newest accredited member of IADA, the International Aircraft Dealers Association. The company achieved a record-breaking sales year in 2021, recording the highest annual revenue in its 15 year history and reporting more than 100 transactions.

"The IADA board of directors is delighted that JetAviva, one of the largest aircraft dealers in the world, has made the decision and commitment to join with other IADA-accredited dealers," says executive director Wayne Starling. "We are so very pleased to welcome JetAviva into our organisation, which exemplifies the very best aircraft dealers and transaction experts available anywhere in the world."

"Collaborating with the top dealers and partners in the industry is something that always fuels greater success for the industry," adds JetAviva CEO Emily Deaton. "We look forward to working with the IADA dealer network to ultimately help our collective client base achieve their goals."

She adds: "Our accreditation and commitment to having our brokers become IADA certified further supports JetAviva's commitment to its clients and comprehensive service offering backed by our industry-leading sales methods."

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