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JetLevel achieves Certified Wyvern Broker status
The company says this is not just a certification, it's a testament to the culture of safety and excellence that JetLevel has built up.

Orlando, Florida-based charter brokerage JetLevel Aviation has received its certification as a Wyvern Broker.

Founded in 2019 by aviation veteran Ricky Gomulka, JetLevel Aviation has always prioritised safety, luxury and unparalleled customer service. "Achieving the Certified Wyvern Broker status marks a significant milestone for JetLevel Aviation," says Gomulka. "It not only validates our steadfast commitment to safety but also adds another layer of assurance for our clients."

Wyvern, a global leader in aviation safety auditing and consulting, employs rigorous evaluations to grant this coveted certification. The process involves extensive background checks, on-site interviews and thorough inspections of operational protocols. "This is not just a certification; it's a testament to the culture of safety and excellence that we've built at JetLevel Aviation," he adds.

As a Certified Wyvern Broker, JetLevel Aviation assures clients that their private jet charters meet the association's stringent safety standards. The company is now empowered to provide real-time safety data and risk assessments for every flight, furthering its mission of ensuring smooth, safe and highly tailored journeys for all clients.

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